
Guangzhou Zexin Leather Products Co., Ltd.

Guangzhou Zexin Leather Co., Ltd. is a leading professional manufacturer of all kinds of lady bags for 20 years. We are located in the center of leather products, Huadu, Guangzhou city, China, Our bag factory audited by BSCI. We mainly make tote bag, shopper bag, diaper backpack, wallet purse, clutch bag, cosmetic bag and evening bag. Our products have been sold all over the world, especially in European and American market, we earned great reputation by excellent quality and fast delivery. Our partner includes OTTO, IMOSHION, KATIE LOXTON, MISS PINK, Imoshion, Charming Charlie, Desigual, Duty free, etc. Moreover, we can make bags as per photos, drawing, or samples. We always keep on fast fashion updating. We have hundreds of styles in our showroom.

We are here because we are qualified for serving you by the below competitive advantages:

1. We have our own factory garden and smaple room with more than 15, 000 square meters. This has done a great job for the cost of our products, that is why we can offer you more competitive price comparing to others.

2. Our factory located in Shiling town, Guangzhou, close to material market, we can search all kinds of material for clients easily.

3. More than two hundred trained workers and efficient managing team to guarantee the quality and punctual shipment for your orders. Everything is on schedule in production.

4. Both OEM & ODM service are supplied. We can make bags as per photos, drawing, or samples. We also have our own designer, our new styles may give you a new perspection at your end.

5. From the founding of our factory, we do our business base on mutual benefit with our customers, that′s why most of our customers come to us, not just for business, but also for friendship.

You are always welcome to visit our factory and showroom in any time, you are here not only becomes our customer, but also our friends.